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Fetches a copy of the latest FantasyPros redraft positional rankings data from's data repository.


ffs_latest_rankings(type = c("draft", "week"))



one of "draft" or "week" - controls whether to pull preseason or inseason rankings.


a dataframe with a copy of the latest FP rankings from DynastyProcess's data repository


If you have any issues with the output of this data, please open an issue in the DynastyProcess data repository.


# \donttest{
try({ # try block to prevent CRAN-related issues
#> ── nflverse FP expert rankings ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  Data updated: 2024-02-08 13:19:27 UTC
#> # A tibble: 661 × 9
#>    player fantasypros_id pos   team    bye   ecr    sd sportradar_id scrape_date
#>    <chr>  <chr>          <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>         <date>     
#>  1 Derwi… 17310          DB    LAC       0   1.5   0.5 01c52412-725… 2024-02-02 
#>  2 Budda… 16733          DB    ARI       0   3.5   0.5 5ce20f3e-0f0… 2024-02-02 
#>  3 Antoi… 19266          DB    TBB       0   4.5   3.5 27732f2b-200… 2024-02-02 
#>  4 Kyle … 23494          DB    BAL       0   6     0   c4172123-905… 2024-02-02 
#>  5 Kamre… 19459          DB    WAS       0   6.5   3.5 eff8e3ec-98e… 2024-02-02 
#>  6 Minka… 17278          DB    PIT       0   6.5   2.5 1aede0b9-557… 2024-02-02 
#>  7 Jaqua… 23719          DB    CHI       0   8.5   3.5 965096f8-96e… 2024-02-02 
#>  8 Kevin… 15635          DB    PHI       0  10.5   3.5 c909532a-693… 2024-02-02 
#>  9 Kyle … 19337          DB    NEP       0  12     5   1d8d5c04-15e… 2024-02-02 
#> 10 Jorda… 11759          DB    BUF       0  12     1   95fab6fa-3ee… 2024-02-02 
#> # ℹ 651 more rows
# }